Danish artists


In the first half of the 19th century in Rome arrived many danish artists wishing to improve the Academy of Fine Arts. Some of them often remain for living and working longer periods of time, for studing the ancient monuments of culture and art, enjoying the beauty and the uniqueness of Rome and its environs.

The admiration of the danish painters of landscapes and italian art, dates back to the time when the danish nobility ordered to the architects of their palaces to seek inspiration from the italian architecture.

The Torvalds Museum in Copenhagen is an example that shows how staying in Rome has been, for many danish artists, an inspiration and a starting point to develop their artistic talent.

First danes began to arrive in Rome in the early 19th century, after the completion of their education at the Art Academy in Copenhagen. Sone of them come to Rome for some years, but others, like Torvalds, remain there for much of their life.

Amazingly written by itinerant artists in their records that after a long and grueling road when entering the city trough the Porta del Popolo had a feeling that finally they're at home. 

 After hard exercise and work, they often have arranged meetings near Piazza del Popolo or on the stairs of Trinità dei Monti, near Piazza Barberini, Sant'Isidoro street or in the "Lepre" pub or "Caffè Greco" in Sistina street.

Another meeting place was the "Della Gensola" pub, the square with the same name, between Lungotevere Anguillara and Piazza Piscinula: here the danish painter Ditlev Blunck displayed in a picture cheerful company of danish artists, which is now in the Museum of Copenhagen.

Thanks to the exhibitions made in Rome with works by banish artists, we understand the importance of the roman staying of the north-european artists in the 19th centure.

"I intend tp gather a collection of the best views of the scenic spots of Rome and its surroundings", says Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg to the danish engraver Clemens, "I hope, in this way, to convey to you and to my fellow countrymen a really clear picture of this beautiful country where it is almost impossible not to devote to the landscape for the beautiful and picturesque scenery."

In these few words summed up the impression and impact of the italian capital on danish artists: almost all talk about the "Lost Rome" that they perpetuate in their pantings, sealing not only roman landscapes, but also its traditions and customs. Like that danes, like many artist from other countries contributed for the perpetuation and preservation of the memory of the Eternal city.